
Transition (2001)
This modern idea of self identity,
it begins as a child and is ceaselessly endured..
"seeing and feeling the identity - is an important
and complex process, even more so in today's
world because of the speed of change that takes
place and the violent existential and cultural
pressures that society places on people,
especially the young... pushing them to excessive
individual competitiveness...

The pleasure and pain of feeling oneself
transforming things, and being transformed by them. It is as if the feelings of being real or being
imagined were refined together.
There comes a question, it is about a continual seeking in a privelleged and sensitive consciousness that enables us to hear the beating of our own wings and our flight... but also to sense down here on earth the solidarities and the deceptions.
The recipriocity of the logic of things and the
imaginative logic... "(extract from Reggio Emilio).

Old Growth, Vancouver Island